Starter quiz

  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • the portia spider is a unique creature.
    • The portia spider is a unique creature.  ✓
    • THE portia spider is a unique creature.
    • tHe portia spider is a unique creature.
  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • The portia spider has brown fur?
    • The portia spider has brown fur,.
    • The portia spider has brown fur.  ✓
    • The portia spider has brown fur
  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • Interestingly the portia spider has eight eyes.
    • Interestingly the, portia spider has eight eyes.
    • Interestingly, the portia spider has eight eyes.  ✓
    • Interestingly the portia spider has eight, eyes.
  • Match the word class to its definition.
    • verb
      a doing or being word ✓
    • adjective
      a word that describes a noun ✓
    • noun
      a naming word for people, places or things  ✓
    • adverb
      a word that describes a verb ✓
  • Match the term to its definition.
    • main clause
      contains a verb and makes complete sense ✓
    • subordinate clause
      contains a verb and does not make complete sense  ✓
    • co-ordinating conjunction
      a word that joins two main clauses ✓
    • subordinating conjunction
      a word that joins a main and subordinate clause ✓
  • What punctuation mark separates two adjectives in an expanded noun phrase?
    • 'comma' ✓