Starter quiz

  • What three structural features might you find in a non-chronological report?
    • paragraphs  ✓
    • title  ✓
    • boxes
    • subheadings  ✓
  • Match the word with the correct definition.
    • noun
      a naming word for people, places or things ✓
    • verb
      a doing, being or having word ✓
    • adjective
      a word that describes a noun ✓
  • What type of verb do you use at the start of a command to tell someone what to do?
    • 'imperative verb' ✓
  • In which two instances could a comma be used?
    • in between two adjectives in an expanded noun phase  ✓
    • at the end of a sentence
    • when separating nouns in a list  ✓
  • What is a synonym?
    • a word that has the opposite meaning to another word
    • a word that is similar in meaning to another word  ✓
    • a word that rhymes with another word
  • Order the sections of a non-chronological report correctly.
    • 1
    • 2
      first themed section
    • 3
      second themed section
    • 4