Starter quiz

  • In 'The Sheep-pig', what does Farmer Hogget win at the fair?
    • a sheepdog
    • a piglet  ✓
    • a duck
  • What does Mrs Hogget say they are going to do with the pig?
    • train it
    • eat it  ✓
    • keep it as a pet
  • What was Fly teaching her puppies to do?
    • Teaching them their names.
    • Training them how to be sheepdogs.  ✓
    • Training them how to herd hens.
  • What did Farmer Hogget find when he came into the stable?
    • Fly and Babe curled up together asleep.  ✓
    • Fly training Babe to be a sheepdog.
    • Babe playing with Fly's puppies.
  • Why is Farmer Hogget surprised at the end of Chapter Two of 'The Sheep-Pig'?
    • The pig is obedient and copies what Fly does.  ✓
    • The pig is very noisy.
    • The pig manages to run away.
  • Order the following events from the opening of 'The Sheep-Pig'.
    • 1
      Farmer Hogget goes to the fair and guesses the weight of the piglet.
    • 2
      The vicar calls Farmer Hogget to let him know he has won the piglet.
    • 3
      The piglet is put in the stables with Fly, the sheepdog and she calls him Babe.
    • 4
      Babe curls up to Fly and he copies her actions, which surprises the farmer.