Starter quiz

  • Order the four main parts of a story structure.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • In 'The Sheep-Pig', what do the sheep refer to the sheepdogs as?
    • pigs
    • wolves  ✓
    • dogs
  • Select the character traits that Babe shows in 'The Sheep-Pig'.
    • respectful  ✓
    • determined  ✓
    • rude
    • nasty
    • kind  ✓
  • What does Babe think sheepdogs should do in order to herd sheep successfully?
    • ask them rudely
    • ask them politely  ✓
    • ask them quietly
  • Order these events from the story 'The Sheep-Pig'.
    • 1
      Farmer Hogget won a piglet at the fair and brought him back to his farm.
    • 2
      Fly, the sheepdog, looked after the piglet, Babe.
    • 3
      The piglet said he wanted to become a sheep-pig and so Fly started to train him.
    • 4
      Babe became friends with Ma, the lame sheep who was in the stables.
    • 5
      Babe started to understand the complex relationship between the sheep and Fly.
    • 6
      Babe decides that being polite will be the successful way to herd sheep.
  • True or false? Ma and Fly have a positive relationship.
    • True
    • False ✓