Starter quiz

  • What is a non-fiction text?
    • a text that provides information about real-life topics  ✓
    • a story that is made up
    • a text about someone's life
    • a playscript
  • Match the word with the correct definition.
    • non-fiction text
      a text that provides information about real-life topics ✓
    • biography
      a story of someone's life ✓
    • fictional story
      a made-up story about characters who aren't real ✓
  • Complete the following sentence. A fronted adverbial...
    • is followed by a comma.  ✓
    • starts a sentence.  ✓
    • makes sense by itself.
  • The purpose of an information text is to ______ the reader about a subject, person or event.
    • 'inform' ✓
  • Which is not an example of formal language?
    • However,
    • In addition,
    • Awesome!  ✓
  • What type of word class must a clause contain?
    • 'verb' ✓