Starter quiz

  • What is the main purpose of a non-chronological report about the Stone Age?
    • to explain only the diet of the Stone Age
    • to explain the diet, housing and artefacts of the Stone Age  ✓
    • to explain the Stone Age to the Viking period
    • to explain how to build a Stone Age replica settlement
  • Which section of a non-chronological report about the Stone Age would most likely describe Skara Brae?
    • introduction
    • section on housing  ✓
    • conclusion
    • section on artefacts
    • diet
  • What would the 'conclusion' section of a non-chronological report about the Stone Age likely summarise?
    • the different materials artefacts were made from
    • the difference between Mesolithic and Neolithic houses
    • the key points explained in the report  ✓
  • What is the definition of a subheading?
    • a title of a report
    • a word, phrase or sentence that describes a picture
    • a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text  ✓
  • In which section of a non-chronological report about the Stone Age would you find the following sentence? 'Read on to find about more about this fascinating era.'
    • conclusion
    • introduction  ✓
    • section on housing
    • section on diet
  • A non-chronological report is a type of which text type?
    • poem
    • non-fiction text  ✓
    • newspaper report