Starter quiz

  • Match the complex sentence types to their definitions.
    • adverbial complex
      sentence with a main clause & adverbial subordinate clause ✓
    • relative complex
      sentence with a main clause & relative subordinate clause ✓
    • non-finite complex
      sentence with a main clause & non-finite subordinate clause ✓
  • Match the terms to their examples.
    • passive voice sentence
      The ship was built by a team of experts in Belfast. ✓
    • active voice sentence
      A team of experts in Belfast built the ship. ✓
    • present tense sentence
      It is evident that passengers are enjoying their trip. ✓
  • Which of these verbs is written in the progressive form?
    • comment
    • commented
    • commenting  ✓
  • Which of these punctuation marks are inverted commas?
    • .
    • ,
    • ( )
    • " "  ✓
    • -
  • What is the purpose of inverted commas?
    • to end a sentence
    • to end a question
    • to indicate direct speech  ✓
    • to demarcate parenthesis
  • Which of these are synonyms for 'said'?
    • reported  ✓
    • excited
    • commented  ✓
    • stated  ✓
    • enthusiastic