Starter quiz

  • What type of word is a modal verb?
    • An adjective.
    • An adverb.
    • A noun.
    • An auxiliary verb.  ✓
  • Which of the following are modal verbs?
    • be
    • might  ✓
    • could  ✓
    • learn
  • What is the purpose of the modal verb 'will' in this sentence? "They will find us somewhere to stay."
    • To show that they have an obligation to find us somewhere to stay.
    • To show that they might possibly find us somewhere to stay.
    • To show that they definitely will find us somewhere to stay.  ✓
  • What are the modal verbs in this sentence? "We have to do maths first today and then we will enjoy some music."
    • do
    • have to  ✓
    • will  ✓
    • and
  • Tick the modal verbs that show that something is possible to happen but not certain.
    • will
    • may  ✓
    • could  ✓
    • shall
  • Which sentence contains a modal verb showing obligation?
    • We ought to try harder.  ✓
    • We could try harder.
    • We will try harder.