Starter quiz

  • What two kinds of word are always found in a progressive tense sentence?
    • A verb with an -ing suffix.  ✓
    • A verb with an -s suffix.
    • An auxiliary verb based on the infinitive 'to be'.  ✓
    • A verb with an -ly suffix.
  • Match the keywords to their examples.
    • Suffix
      -ing ✓
    • Auxiliary verb
      were ✓
    • Infinitive
      to play ✓
  • Tick all the sentences that use a progressive tense.
    • They are standing with us.  ✓
    • We were coping well with the situation.  ✓
    • She will be winning this match by any means possible.  ✓
    • She wins every match.
    • I ran through the park.
  • Match each progressive tense to the example sentences.
    • Progressive present
      She is trying her best.  ✓
    • Progressive past
      She was trying her best. ✓
    • Progressive future
      She will be trying her best.  ✓
  • Tick the sentences written in the progressive past tense throughout.
    • She was trying her best and he was wasting time.  ✓
    • Sofia is growing more confident, but Sam is feeling unsure.
    • When we were watching, he was behaving beautifully.  ✓
  • Tick the sentences that are correctly formed in the progressive tense.
    • When Jun was talking, Lucas was giggling.  ✓
    • When Jun was talking, Lucas is giggling.
    • We will be swimming while Dad is sitting by the pool.  ✓
    • We will be swimming while Dad was sitting by the pool.