Starter quiz

  • What word class helps us to find the tense of a sentence?
    • Verbs  ✓
    • Nouns
    • Adjectives
    • Determiners
  • Which simple tense needs an auxiliary verb to 'help' the main verb and show the tense?
    • Simple past
    • Simple present
    • Simple future  ✓
  • Match the 'person' to the example sentences.
    • First person
      I stand over here every day.  ✓
    • Second person
      You all need to stop talking and listen.  ✓
    • Third person
      She believes me.  ✓
  • Match the simple tenses to the examples that use them.
    • Simple past
      We ran down the street.  ✓
    • Simple present
      We run down this street every day.  ✓
    • Simple future
      We will run down this street to escape.  ✓
  • Tick the sentence that is written in the simple present tense throughout.
    • When Mrs. Begum laughed, we all smiled.
    • Because it snowed earlier, we will stay inside for lunch.
    • The town, which is close to Manchester, has many cinemas.  ✓
  • Tick the sentence that is written in the simple future tense throughout.
    • Mr. McIntyre, who is very strict, will teach us next year.
    • As the sun rises, the temperature increases.
    • Year 4 will sing their song and Year 5 will say a prayer.  ✓