Starter quiz

  • Place these sentences in order from least certain to happen to most certain to happen.
    • 1
      We could stay here a bit longer.
    • 2
      We ought to stay here a bit longer.
    • 3
      We will stay here a bit longer.
  • Match the types of modal verb to the correct modal verb examples.
    • modal verbs of certainty
      will ✓
    • modal verbs of possibility
      might ✓
    • modal verbs of obligation
      should ✓
  • Match the type of modal verb to the example.
    • modal verb of certainty
      We shall succeed by any means.  ✓
    • modal verb of possibility
      It may rain later.  ✓
    • modal verb of obligation
      You have to work harder.  ✓
  • Which of these speech sentences use a modal verb?
    • Miss O'Neill asked, 'Will we all be ready to go in five minutes?'  ✓
    • 'I can help!' smiled Aisha happily.  ✓
    • 'What's wrong?' Sam asked with a smile.
  • Which words in the following persuasive speech sentence are modal verbs? 'We have to play more aggressively, or we will lose this competition.'
    • have to  ✓
    • play
    • will  ✓
    • lose
  • Which modal verbs could come at the start of the following rhetorical question? '__________ this situation be allowed to continue?'
    • Should  ✓
    • Must
    • Ought to
    • Will  ✓