Using five sentence types
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Match each word class to its meaning.
a naming word for people, places and things ✓
a word that describes a noun ✓
a being, doing or having word ✓
a word that describes a verb ✓
What are the verbs in this sentence? 'She worked hard, but she found it difficult.'
worked ✓
found ✓
Which of these groups of words contain a verb?
who was shuffling down the road ✓
the long, winding road
while the rain was falling ✓
the torrential, never-ending rain
Which of these groups of words do not contain a verb?
a vast mountain of stinking garbage ✓
the smell was unbearable
before we could even stop him
through a narrow, rocky opening ✓
Which of these groups of words could be complete simple sentences?
because it was still raining
it was still raining ✓
when she was a fire-fighter
she was a fire-fighter ✓
Which of these groups of words could not be complete simple sentences?
when the lights went out ✓
the lights went out
should we huddle together for warmth
while we huddled together in fear ✓