Starter quiz

  • Which of the following would we always find in a complex sentence?
    • main clause  ✓
    • subordinate clause  ✓
    • relative clause
    • adverbial clause
    • non-finite (-ing) clause
  • Match the types of sentence to the examples.
    • simple sentence
      What a wonderful day it is! ✓
    • compound sentence
      We could do that, but I don't think we'd enjoy it.  ✓
    • complex sentence
      The rain, which was very heavy, soaked us to the skin.  ✓
  • Which of these are correctly formed compound sentences?
    • He will either win the sack race, or he will come second.  ✓
    • He will either win the sack race or the beanbag race.
    • We will take the train and the bus.
    • We can take the train and we can take the bus.  ✓
  • Which of the following are complex sentences?
    • We all watched closely as Mr Martinez showed us how to draw the animal.  ✓
    • We all watched Mr Martinez and we listened to what he was saying.
    • When the day was over, we put our chairs on the tables.  ✓
    • Miss O'Neill, who is very kind, stayed behind at lunch to help me.  ✓
  • Which of the following are non-finite (-ing) complex sentences?
    • Sofia looked up as I entered.
    • Looking up, I saw Sofia entering the room.  ✓
    • The door opened, creaking loudly.  ✓
    • The door creaked open loudly.
  • Which of these are correctly punctuated relative complex sentences?
    • The moon, which was bright silver, beamed down on us.  ✓
    • The moon which was bright silver beamed down on us.
    • The moon, which was bright, silver beamed down on us.