Starter quiz

  • What kind of word starts a relative clause?
    • subordinating conjunction
    • relative pronoun  ✓
    • noun
    • relative conjunction
  • Which of the following can be subordinating conjunctions that start adverbial clauses?
    • because  ✓
    • after  ✓
    • whose
    • who
    • as  ✓
  • Which of the following could complete the adverbial clause in this sentence? 'I have known her since __________.'
    • she is my cousin
    • I was six  ✓
    • she arrived at this school  ✓
    • 2022
  • Where is a relative clause always placed?
    • before a noun or noun phrase
    • after a noun or noun phrase  ✓
    • in the middle of a sentence
    • at the end of a sentence
  • Which sentences contain a relative clause?
    • 1st January, when my parents got married, is a special day for me.  ✓
    • I rolled my eyes at Izzy, who was being silly.  ✓
    • Izzy was being silly and I rolled my eyes at her.
    • My parents got married on 1st January.
  • What is the relative clause in the following sentence? 'The people that I love are all here with me.'
    • the people that I love
    • are all here with me
    • that I love  ✓
    • that I love are all here