Starter quiz

  • Match the words to their root words.
    • fearful
      fear ✓
    • happiness
      happy ✓
    • enjoyment
      enjoy ✓
  • Select the nouns.
    • cat  ✓
    • walked
    • bed  ✓
    • ran
    • food  ✓
  • Match the word to the suffix it contains.
    • punishment
      -ment ✓
    • happiness
      -ness ✓
    • luxurious
      -ous ✓
    • sweeter
      -er ✓
  • Select the adjective from the following sentence: 'The happy child skipped home.'
    • happy  ✓
    • child
    • skipped
    • home
  • Select the adjective from the following sentence: 'The cold ice stung my skin.'
    • the
    • cold  ✓
    • ice
    • stung
    • skin
  • Match the word to the suffix it contains.
    • concentration
      -tion ✓
    • laziness
      -ness ✓
    • equality
      -ity ✓