Starter quiz

  • Match the root word to the related noun ending in -tion.
    • admire
      admiration ✓
    • found
      foundation ✓
    • determine
      determination ✓
  • What rule is used when 'calculate' becomes 'calculation' when the suffix -ation is added?
    • Just add the suffix.
    • Remove ‘e’, then add the suffix.
    • Remove ‘ate’, then add -ation.  ✓
  • Words using the -tion spelling for /shun/ often have a root word ending in which letters?
    • d, s or e
    • t or te  ✓
    • c or cs
    • th or ti
  • Match the words to the spelling of the /shun/ suffix they contain.
    • musician
      -cian ✓
    • discussion
      -ssion ✓
    • explanation
      -tion ✓
    • division
      -sion ✓
  • Select the nouns.
    • famous
    • sweetest
    • happiness  ✓
    • celebration  ✓
    • community  ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'Petrol cars create polushun.'
    • 'pollution' ✓