Starter quiz

  • What rule is being used when the word 'active' becomes 'activate' when adding the suffix -ate?
    • Just add the suffix.
    • Remove the final vowel, then add the suffix.  ✓
    • Double the consonant, then add the suffix.
  • What rule is being used when the word 'origin' becomes 'originate' when adding the suffix -ate?
    • Just add the suffix.  ✓
    • Remove the final vowel, then add the suffix.
    • Double the consonant, then add the suffix.
  • What word class is the word 'active' in this sentence? 'The active child runs.'
    • verb
    • noun
    • adjective  ✓
    • adverb
  • Match the verbs to the rule they have used when the suffix -ate has been added.
    • formulate
      Remove the final vowel, then add the suffix. ✓
    • medicate
      Just add the suffix. ✓
    • locate
      No obvious root word. ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. This necklace is my prized poseshun.
    • posesion
    • possesion
    • posession
    • possession  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. The teacher wants to help edukayt her pupils.
    • edukate
    • educait
    • educate  ✓