Starter quiz

  • Which of these is an example of a proper noun?
    • river
    • majesty
    • Mount Everest  ✓
    • happiness
  • Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of capital letters and full stops?
    • the snow covered the peaks The mountains were majestic
    • The snow covered the peaks the mountains were majestic.
    • The snow covered the peaks. The mountains were majestic.  ✓
    • The snow covered the peaks the mountains were majestic
  • Which sentence uses ambitious verbs to describe the actions within snowy mountains?
    • Snow was on top of the peaks.
    • The mountains were majestic.
    • The blizzard raged fiercely.  ✓
    • The landscape was serene.
  • Which phrase best uses descriptive adjectives to depict snowy mountains?
    • The mountains stood tall.
    • Snow covered the peaks.
    • The majestic, snow-capped mountains gleamed.  ✓
    • The hills were white.
  • Which sentence uses figurative language related to snowy mountains?
    • The air was chilly.
    • Snow covered the peaks.
    • The mountains wore a blanket of glistening snow.  ✓
    • The clouds moved across the sky.
  • Match the sense to the appropriate descriptive phrase.
    • sight
      snow-capped peaks and glistening slopes ✓
    • sound
      whispers of wind among the icy cliffs ✓
    • smell
      scent of pine and crisp, fresh snow ✓
    • taste
      cold, pure mountain air on the tongue ✓