Starter quiz

  • Who are the creators of 'When Stars are Scattered'?
    • George Butler
    • Omar Mohamed  ✓
    • Victoria Jamieson  ✓
    • Sarah Garland
  • 'When Stars are Scattered' is set in which African country?
    • Morocco
    • South Africa
    • Namibia
    • Kenya  ✓
  • Which character trait is shown in this sentence: Lucas spent his Saturday volunteering at the local animal shelter.
    • caring  ✓
    • honest
    • arrogant
  • What is the name of Omar and Hassan's legal guardian at Dadaab Refugee Camp?
    • Maryam
    • Fatuma  ✓
    • Nimo
    • Susana
  • What is the definition of a refugee?
    • people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution to find safety  ✓
    • writers who use verse to convey emotions
    • people responsible for converting content between languages
  • Match the following types of connections.
    • text-to-self
      when the text relates to personal experiences, feelings or thoughts ✓
    • text-to-text
      when the content of the text relates to another text ✓
    • text-to-world
      when the content relates to events and issues in the real world ✓