Starter quiz

  • What rule is being used when the word 'control' becomes 'controlling' when adding the suffix -ing?
    • Just add -ing.
    • Keep the 'y' and add -ing.
    • Remove the ‘e’ and add -ing.
    • Double the consonant and add -ing.  ✓
  • What rule is being used when the word 'smile' becomes 'smiling' when adding the suffix -ing?
    • Just add -ing.
    • Keep the 'y' and add -ing.
    • Remove the ‘e’ and add -ing.  ✓
    • Double the consonant and add -ing.
  • What rule is being used when the word 'worry' becomes 'worrying' when adding the suffix -ing?
    • Just add -ing.
    • Keep the 'y' and add -ing.  ✓
    • Remove the ‘e’ and add -ing.
    • Double the consonant and add -ing.
  • Match the verbs to the rule they use when the suffix -ing is added.
    • cry - crying
      Keep the 'y' and add -ing. ✓
    • like - liking
      Remove the 'e' and add -ing. ✓
    • clap - clapping
      Double the consonant and add -ing. ✓
    • blink - blinking
      Just add -ing ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'They are planing to go camping.'
    • planeing
    • plannig
    • planning  ✓
    • planinng
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'She is hurying because she is late.'
    • hurrieing
    • hurying
    • hurryin
    • hurrying  ✓