Starter quiz

  • Identify the nouns.
    • run
    • have
    • book  ✓
    • library  ✓
    • smile
  • Select the plural common nouns.
    • carry
    • flowers  ✓
    • school
    • buses  ✓
    • claps
  • When do we remove the 'y' and add '-ies' when using the suffix '-es'?
    • when the root word ends in 'y' after a consonant  ✓
    • when the root words ends in 'e'
    • when the root word ends in two consonant letters
    • when the root word ends in a digraph including a 'y'
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: At the weekend, the little boy went to two partees.
    • partyies
    • partyes
    • partys
    • parties  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: Pass me the kees.
    • keyes
    • keyz
    • keys  ✓
    • keyies
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: Izzy loves eating berrees.
    • berrys
    • beries
    • berries  ✓
    • berreys