Starter quiz

  • Match the words to the correct definitions.
    • singular
      only one ✓
    • plural
      more than one ✓
    • noun
      a person, place or thing ✓
  • If there is one cake, the common noun 'cake' is ...
    • plural.
    • singular.  ✓
    • single.
  • Match the singular and plural forms of these nouns.
    • bag
      bags ✓
    • fairy
      fairies ✓
    • toy
      toys ✓
    • tree
      trees ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'It will probly rain later.'
    • probaly
    • probably  ✓
    • probibly
    • properly
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'We arrived at school erly.'
    • 'early' ✓
  • Match the nouns to the rule they use when the suffix is added to make them plural.
    • cloud - clouds
      Just add -s. ✓
    • baby - babies
      Remove the 'y' and add -ies. ✓
    • boy - boys
      Keep the 'y' and add -s. ✓