Starter quiz

  • Identify the correct definition for the word 'plural'.
    • only one
    • more than one  ✓
    • a person, place or thing
  • Match the singular and plural forms of these nouns.
    • toy
      toys ✓
    • hat
      hats ✓
    • puppy
      puppies ✓
    • class
      classes ✓
    • dish
      dishes ✓
    • branch
      branches ✓
  • When a root word ends in 'o', which rule do we most commonly follow to turn the singular noun into a plural?
    • Remove the 'y' and add -ies.
    • Remove the 'o' and add -es.
    • Just add -es.  ✓
    • Just add -s.
  • When a root word ends in 'f', which rule do we follow to turn the singular noun into a plural?
    • Remove the 'y' and add -ies.
    • Remove the 'f' and add -ves.  ✓
    • Just add -es.
    • Just add -s.
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: The elfs helped the shoemaker.
    • elfes
    • elffs
    • elvs
    • elves  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the words in bold in this sentence: Look at those juicy tomatows!
    • tomatos
    • tomatoes  ✓
    • tomatose
    • tomato's