Starter quiz

  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', who is Titania?
    • Theseus's wife
    • the woman Demetrius wants to marry
    • Hermia's mother
    • Queen of the Fairies  ✓
    • Puck's master
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', who is Oberon?
    • Puck's master  ✓
    • King of the Fairies  ✓
    • one of the poor Athenian actors
    • the man Egeus wants Hermia to marry
    • Duke of Athens
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', why are Titania and Oberon in conflict?
    • Oberon wants Titania to marry Demetrius.
    • Titania is angry Oberon made her fall in love with Bottom.
    • Titania wants the magical potion from Oberon.
    • Titania won't give Oberon a little boy he wants.  ✓
    • Titania won't give Oberon Puck, his servant back.
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what does Oberon do when Titania refuses to give him the little boy he wants?
    • He puts a sleeping potion on her.
    • He makes Bottom fall in love with her.
    • He turns her head into that of a donkey.
    • He puts a love potion on her.  ✓
    • He makes Demetrius and Lysander fall in love with her.
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is a play. Which of the following are features of plays?
    • dialogue  ✓
    • stanzas
    • stage directions  ✓
    • the supernatural
    • scenes  ✓
  • In Act 2 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', the setting changes. How does the setting change?
    • from a magical forest to Athens
    • from Titania's kingdom, to Oberon's
    • the setting doesn't change - the characters are on the same stage
    • from Athens to a magical forest  ✓
    • from Theseus's court, to Egeus's house