Starter quiz

  • What does the word 'transform' mean?
    • to create
    • to trick
    • to change  ✓
  • Which words could describe the character of Puck in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'?
    • mischievous  ✓
    • comforting
    • malevolent  ✓
    • serious
  • In a 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Puck enjoys playing practical jokes. What are some of the practical jokes he plays?
    • tricks Bottom into trusting him
    • scares young women  ✓
    • makes people walk in the wrong direction  ✓
    • gives Titania's boy the head of a donkey
    • mild physical harm, like drinks being spilled, or falling over  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' the character of Puck is a fairy spirit. An Elizabethan audience would be familiar with the word 'puck'. What were some of its associations?
    • it was connected with the devil and evil  ✓
    • it was associated with relationships
    • it was a term for a mischievous fairy  ✓
    • it was associated with fairies who served masters
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', the character of Puck is also known as: Robin Goodfellow. This name was familiar to Elizabethans. What would they believe this character was like?
    • helpful  ✓
    • evil
    • mischievous  ✓
    • ill-natured
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' what is Puck's relationship to the fairy King Oberon?
    • Puck plays tricks on Oberon
    • Puck is a faithful servant to Oberon  ✓
    • Puck is an equal to Oberon
    • Puck despises Oberon