Starter quiz

  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what do we learn about the character of Titania?
    • She is a monarch.  ✓
    • She is married to Thesus.
    • She is supernatural.  ✓
    • She is in conflict with Puck.
    • She is tricked by Oberon.  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what do we learn about the character of Bottom?
    • He is a skilled manual labourer from Athens.  ✓
    • He is supernatural.
    • His head is transformed into that of a donkey by Oberon.
    • He wants to perform a play for Duke Theseus.  ✓
    • He falls in love with Titania after being anointed with the magic potion.
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', why does Oberon want Puck to fetch him the magical potion?
    • To get revenge on Titania.  ✓
    • To transform Bottom into a donkey.
    • To create chaos amongst the Athenian nobles.
    • To make Titania fall in love with him.
    • To help Helena.  ✓
  • Starting with the first, put these plot points from Act 2 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in chronological order.
    • 1
      Puck puts the magical potion on Lysander by accident.
    • 2
      Helena sees Lysander lying on the forest floor.
    • 3
      Helena wakes Lysander up, worried he is dead.
    • 4
      Lysander tells Helena he loves her and regrets the time he spent with Hermia.
    • 5
      Helena believes Lysander is making fun of her and runs away.
    • 6
      Lysander follows Helena, determined to express his love for her.
    • 7
      Hermia wakes up alone in the forest.
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', when Oberon puts the magical potion on Titania, he says, "Wake when something ______ is near."
    • 'vile' ✓
  • What is the name for the hierarchical system that was so important to Elizabethan society?
    • The Great Chain of Hierarchy
    • The Good Chain of Being
    • God's Chain of Being
    • The Great Chain
    • The Great Chain of Being  ✓