Starter quiz

  • Each of these characters in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is powerful, and holds power over others. Match the character to their source of power.
    • Egeus
      has power over his daughter's life ✓
    • Theseus
      has power over the city of Athens ✓
    • Oberon
      has power over Titania after he uses the magic potion ✓
    • Puck
      has power to transform himself and others ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', there are lots of examples of different types of relationships. Match the type of relationship to its example.
    • romantic relationships
      explored through the Athenian nobles ✓
    • friendships
      explored through Hermia and Helena ✓
    • mismatched relationships
      explored through Titania and Bottom ✓
    • father daughter relationships
      explored through Hermia and Egeus ✓
    • hierarchical relationships
      explored through Puck and Oberon ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', how does Oberon manage to get the little boy from Titania?
    • He makes Bottom fall in love with her so she is distracted.
    • He uses a magical potion on her which transforms her into half animal.
    • He asks her for the boy when she is distracted with Bottom.  ✓
    • He ignores her desire to keep the boy and tricks her into giving him to him.  ✓
    • He orders Puck to steal the boy from Titania when she is sleeping.
  • Each of these characters in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is presented as powerless at some point in the play. Match the character to the reason they are vulnerable.
    • Hermia
      threatened with extreme punishments by her father ✓
    • Lysander
      doesn't always have power over who he loves ✓
    • Bottom
      is powerless against Puck's transformative magic ✓
    • Titania
      can't stop Oberon taking the little boy from her ✓
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was first performed to an Elizabethan audience. Elizabethan society was ______ which means it was a society in which men held the power.
    • 'patriarchal' ✓
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was first performed to an Elizabethan audience. What were some important ideas in Elizabethan society that Shakespeare is exploring in his play?
    • The importance of patriarchy.  ✓
    • The importance of magical potions in terms of marriage.
    • The reality of supernatural.  ✓
    • The importance of the forest and caring for the natural world.
    • The importance of hierarchy.  ✓