Starter quiz

  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what do we know about the character of Egeus?
    • He rules Athens.
    • He's unhappy with his daughter.  ✓
    • He threatens Lysander with severe punishments.
    • He threatens Hermia with severe punishments.  ✓
    • He banishes his daughter from Athens.
  • Puck and Egeus are both characters in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. What are some of the differences between them?
    • Puck is supernatural; Egeus is not.  ✓
    • Puck has a high status; Egeus does not.
    • Puck disobeys orders; Egeus follows them.
    • Puck likes to play harmless pranks; Egeus threatens severe punishments.  ✓
    • Puck is a servant; Egeus is a powerful patriarch.  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', both Oberon and Puck use the magical potion. What are the differences between how they use it?
    • Puck wants to create chaos; Oberon uses it for good.
    • Puck only uses the antidote.
    • Puck accidently causes chaos; Oberon deliberately harms Titania.  ✓
    • Puck uses it to transform Bottom; Oberon uses it to trick Titania.
    • Puck doesn't know what the potion can do; Oberon does.
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', how do we know that Puck enjoys watching the Athenian nobles in chaos?
    • He refuses to use the antidote as Oberon orders.
    • He leads the Athenians through the forest to increase their unhappiness.
    • He causes more chaos by putting the magical potion on Helena.
    • He says he finds watching unhappiness a fun hobby.  ✓
    • He asks Oberon if they can watch the chaos as entertainment.  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', how do we know that Puck respects the hierarchy?
    • He refuses to use magical potion Titania.
    • He obeys Oberon's orders swiftly and efficiently.  ✓
    • He obeys Oberon's orders even when he doesn't want to.  ✓
    • He shows respect to Egeus by using the magical potion incorrectly.
    • He only has fun with Bottom after he has fulfilled Oberon's orders.  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', why might we describe Puck as a contemptuous character?
    • He enjoys humiliating people.  ✓
    • He calls the Athenians "fools".  ✓
    • He doesn't always listen to Oberon.
    • He disobeys Oberon when he finds something more fun to do.
    • He makes fun of the Rude Mechanicals.  ✓