Starter quiz

  • Shakespeare wrote different types of plays, and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is a...
    • 'comedy' ✓
  • How does 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' end?
    • with Oberon asking Titania for the little boy
    • with Puck leading the Athenians "up and down" in the forest
    • with Puck restoring order to the Athenians
    • with a soliloquy from Oberon
    • with an epilogue from Puck  ✓
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is a Shakespearean comedy. What are common features of the endings of most Shakespearean comedies?
    • multiple marriages  ✓
    • happy characters  ✓
    • conflict
    • chaos and disorder
    • apologetic epilogues
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was first performed in front of an Elizabethan audience. What were some common Elizabethan views and attitudes about the supernatural?
    • that it was evil and connected to the devil  ✓
    • that it was imaginary
    • that it was an enjoyable part of folklore  ✓
    • that they were ruled by supernatural forces
    • that plays always included it
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was first performed in front of an Elizabethan audience. What were some common Elizabethan views and attitudes about hierarchy?
    • that it was outdated
    • that God was at the top of the hierarchy  ✓
    • that God created a hierarchy and it was their duty to keep to it  ✓
    • that the monarch was near the top of the hierarchy  ✓
    • that Elizabeth I created the hierarchy
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' includes the supernatural. How do we know Shakespeare was very interested in the supernatural?
    • It is one of the genres of his plays.
    • He includes supernatural characters, events and ideas in lots of his plays.  ✓
    • Puck or Robin Goodfellow appears in a number of his plays.
    • He invented lots of Elizabethan folklore.