Starter quiz

  • In Act 2 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', many of the characters are in a magical forest. Match each character, or sets of characters, to the reason they are in the magical forest.
    • Oberon and Titania
      rule over the magical kingdom ✓
    • Lysander and Hermia
      running away from Athens to marry ✓
    • Demetrius
      following the woman he loves ✓
    • Helena
      following the man she loves ✓
    • Bottom
      rehearsing a play ✓
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was first performed in 1605. As such, its first audiences were...
    • Athenians
    • Shakespeareans
    • Jacobeans
    • Elizabethans  ✓
    • Victorians
  • Elizabethan England, like Athens in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', was a patriarchal society. What is a patriarchal society?
    • a society ruled by the supernatural
    • a society ruled by women
    • a society in which women's access to power is limited  ✓
    • a society ruled by nobles
    • a society ruled by men  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', the setting of Athens is presented as patriarchal. How?
    • The play opens with men holding power over women.  ✓
    • Egeus and Theseus dominate the dialogue with Hermia.  ✓
    • Demetrius is able to follow Lysander into the forest, unlike Helena.
    • As her father, Egeus is able to do what he wishes with Hermia.  ✓
    • As a woman, Hermia is able to say who she wants to marry.
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', the magical forest is a place of chaos and confusion. What are some examples of chaos and confusion that occur there?
    • Titania and Oberon rule over the fairy kingdom.
    • Titania falls in love with Bottom.  ✓
    • The Athenian nobles marry each other without their parents' consent.
    • Egeus demands Hermia obey him.
    • Puck mistakenly puts the magical potion on Lysander.  ✓
  • In Act 1 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Lysander and Hermia run away to escape being punished by what Lysander calls "the ______ Athenian law".
    • 'sharp' ✓