Starter quiz

  • You are about to read a text by William Shakespeare. What type of texts did William Shakespeare write?
    • books
    • speeches
    • plays  ✓
    • poems  ✓
    • sermons
  • You are about to read a play. Whilst books are usually divided into chapters, what are plays divided into?
    • sub-headings
    • iambic pentameter
    • scenes  ✓
    • stanzas
    • acts  ✓
  • All of Shakespeare's plays are divided into acts. How many acts is each divided into?
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
    • 6
  • You are about to read a Shakespearean comedy. Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies. Which of the following of Shakespeare's plays are comedies?
    • 'Romeo and Juliet'
    • 'Hamlet'
    • 'As You Like It'  ✓
    • 'Twelfth Night'  ✓
    • 'The Comedy of Errors'  ✓
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is a Shakespearean comedy. What common features do Shakespearean comedies share?
    • often end in marriage  ✓
    • often include the death of the villain
    • often include disguise  ✓
    • often include misunderstandings  ✓
    • often include songs  ✓
  • The title of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' could tell us something about what to expect in the play. What inferences could we make about this title?
    • The characters in the play will all be asleep
    • The play might explore the power of imagination  ✓
    • The play can only be performed in the summer
    • We perhaps shouldn't take what we see too seriously - it is a dream  ✓
    • Strange things could happen, just like they do in a dream  ✓