Starter quiz

  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what is the name of Hermia's father?
    • Theseus
    • Lysander
    • Egeus  ✓
    • Oberon
    • Demetrius
  • Where is 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' set?
    • England
    • the theatre
    • London
    • Athens  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', who does Egeus want Hermia to marry?
    • Bottom
    • Oberon
    • Theseus
    • Lysander
    • Demetrius  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Hermia faces punishment if she doesn't obey her father and marry Demetrius. What punishments does she face?
    • being killed by the state  ✓
    • having to become a nun  ✓
    • being sent to prison
    • banishment to the forest outside Athens
    • forced marriage to a man she doesn't love  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what supernatural or magical elements does Shakespeare include in the play?
    • witches
    • a magical forest  ✓
    • a sleeping potion
    • fairies  ✓
    • a love potion  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', why might we describe Athens, where the play is set, as patriarchal?
    • It's a society in which women are considered equal to men.
    • It's a society in which women are considered superior to men.
    • It's a society in which women are considered inferior to men.  ✓
    • It's a society in which women are considered equal to fairies.
    • It's a society in which women are considered inferior to fairies.