Starter quiz

  • The novel 'Frankenstein' was written in the ______ era.
    • 'Victorian' ✓
  • Which words does Victor use to refer to his creation in 'Frankenstein'?
    • wretch  ✓
    • person
    • spirit
    • demon  ✓
    • ghoul
  • What physical characteristics does Victor give his creation in 'Frankenstein'?
    • small, delicate hands
    • remarkable intelligence and eloquence
    • a giant, superhuman stature  ✓
    • kindness and empathy
    • powerful speed and strength  ✓
  • Who is the Creature's first victim in the novel 'Frankenstein'?
    • Victor's brother  ✓
    • Victor's cousin
    • Victor's wife
    • Victor's father
    • Victor's friend
  • Complete the sentence: The ______ was a period in which industries began replacing manpower and physical labour with machinery/technology.
    • 'Industrial Revolution' ✓
  • In the Enlightenment era, what did people begin to value?
    • wealth and money
    • reason and rationale  ✓
    • knowledge and truth  ✓
    • ignorance and naivety
    • class and social status