Starter quiz

  • If you are expressing your opinion, you are expressing your....
    • experiences and past.
    • ideas and beliefs.  ✓
    • personality and character.
    • sense of humour and wit.
  • Which of the following is a kind of form of a text?
    • poem  ✓
    • letter  ✓
    • word
    • author
    • reader
  • Which of the following is not an example of a persuasive device?
    • rhetorical question
    • repetition
    • anecdote
    • onomatopoeia  ✓
  • Who is the audience for an opinion piece?
    • the person who is writing the piece of writing
    • the people reading the piece of writing  ✓
    • the people the writer may quote in their writing
    • the person the writing is about
  • What linguistic method has been used in the following quotation: "This is a problem that has crept up on us stealthily."
    • zoomorphism  ✓
    • personification
    • simile
    • onomatopoeia
    • alliteration
  • What is the effect of the following quotation: "We must not rest, we must not become complacent; we must"
    • It makes the reader feel part of something important.  ✓
    • It conveys a sense of urgency to the reader.  ✓
    • It sounds more sophisticated.
    • The repetition emphasises the importance of action.  ✓
    • It puts the responsibility for action on the writer.