Starter quiz

  • Which two symbols are the focus of the narrator's delusions in 'The Tell-Tell Heart'?
    • the old man's house
    • the old man's smile
    • the old man's eye  ✓
    • the old man's floorboards
    • the old man's heart  ✓
  • What form does Poe's 'The Tell-Tale Heart' take?
    • long, narrative poem
    • short story  ✓
    • novel
    • sonnet poem
  • Which two methods does Poe use in 'The Tell-Tale Heart' to show the narrator's escalating delusion?
    • short sentences  ✓
    • mirroring
    • extended metaphor
    • exclamation marks  ✓
    • reliable protagonist
  • Which language method does Poe use in the following quotation from 'The Tell-Tale Heart': "It grew louder—louder—louder!"?
    • extended metaphor
    • personification
    • simile
    • repetition  ✓
    • pathetic fallacy
  • Complete the quotation from 'The Tell-Tale Heart': “Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed!—tear up the planks!—here, here!—It is the beating of his ______ heart!”
    • 'hideous' ✓
  • What is the effect of Poe using an unreliable narrator in 'The Tell-Tale Heart'?
    • It creates a likeable and relatable protagonist for the reader to root for.
    • It adds an element of mystery because we cannot trust what he says to be true.  ✓
    • It creates tension because we never know what he might do next.  ✓
    • It creates a more Gothic text because Gothic protagonists are always unreliable.
    • It allows Poe to be more creative with the plot and make it more dynamic.