Starter quiz

  • The act of remembering the dead is known as ______.
    • Remembrance  ✓
    • Patriotism
    • Pessimism
    • Optimism
  • What does the speaker in John McCrae's 'In Flanders Fields' ask the reader to do?
    • Carry on the fight  ✓
    • Remember the soldiers
    • Stop the fighting
  • The action of enlisting new people in the armed forces is known as ______.
    • Remembrance
    • Recruitment  ✓
    • Propaganda
    • Patriotism
  • What will happen to the dead soldiers if the reader of John McCrae's 'In Flanders Fields' does not take up the call to arms?
    • They will find eternal peace.
    • Nothing.
    • They will not be avenged.
    • They will not rest in peace.  ✓
  • The ability to understand and share the feelings of another is known as ______.
    • Idealism
    • Euphony
    • Empathy  ✓
    • Optimism
  • Why might John McCrae have written 'In Flanders Fields' from the perspective of the dead soldiers?
    • To create empathy.  ✓
    • To create a sense of horror.
    • To show that they aren't really dead.