Starter quiz

  • What is the traditional theme of a sonnet?
    • romantic love  ✓
    • familial love
    • love of nature
    • love of country
  • Which of the following are synonyms for resolute?
    • determined  ✓
    • uncertain
    • hesitant
    • purposeful  ✓
  • Which of the following means 'bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind'?
    • empathetic
    • evocative  ✓
    • exemplifying
    • idyllic
  • Rupert Brooke uses metaphorical language in 'The Soldier' by referring to the soldier's body as ______.
    • 'dust' ✓
  • Rupert Brooke's 'The Solider' suggests that the soldier will achieve ______ by becoming forever a part of England after death.
    • 'immortality' ✓
  • What is England said to have done for the soldier in Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier'?
    • raised them  ✓
    • taught them to fight
    • taught them to love the King