Starter quiz

  • Looking at key knowledge for a second time - to spot gaps and reinforce our knowledge - is known as...
    • review.
    • revision.  ✓
    • relearning.
    • redoing.
  • This punctuation mark usually precedes a list.
    • Colon  ✓
    • Semicolon
    • Comma
    • Dashes
    • Exclamation mark
  • If a sentence ends in a question mark, it is an...
    • interrogative.  ✓
    • exclamative.
    • declarative.
  • Match these sentence types to their definition
    • Simple
      A single clause with a subject and verb. ✓
    • Complex
      A combination of a main clause and a subordinate clause. ✓
    • Compound
      Two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. ✓
  • What is the definition of the word 'bustling'? Here it is used in a sentence: 'The market was a bustling mass of shoppers'.
    • A place full of activity.  ✓
    • A place full of chaos.
    • A place full of fun.
    • A place full of drama.
  • If someone is 'ruthless' they can be described as without...
    • mercy.  ✓
    • kindness.
    • joy.
    • empathy.