Starter quiz

  • What is a subordinate clause?
    • A clause that makes sense on its own
    • A clause that does not make sense on its own  ✓
    • A simple sentence
  • Which clause below is a main clause?
    • Because she rebelled
    • Until you clean up
    • She skipped through the meadow  ✓
  • Which of the below is a subordinate clause?
    • She took the book off of the shelf
    • She hid behind the wall
    • Whilst the bell rang  ✓
  • What is a complex sentence?
    • A sentence that contains two simple sentences joined by a conjunction
    • A sentence with one verb and one subject
    • A sentence with a main clause and subordinate clause  ✓
  • What is a declarative sentence?
    • A sentence that expresses emotions with an exclamation.
    • A sentence that conveys information or facts or explanation.  ✓
    • A sentence that poses a question.
  • Which of the following is an exclamatory sentence?
    • What do you want for dinner?
    • I had chicken and rice for dinner.
    • My dinner was delicious!  ✓