Starter quiz

  • What is tone?
    • The key theme of the writing
    • The level of sophistication of a piece of writing
    • The feeling or mood the writing provokes  ✓
  • What tone might you see in a dystopian piece of writing?
    • happy
    • enthusiastic
    • calm
    • oppressive  ✓
  • What is an adjective?
    • a person, place or thing
    • a word to describe an action
    • a word that describes a noun  ✓
  • Which of the below is not a verb?
    • fearful  ✓
    • whispered
    • crept
    • trudged
    • obscured
  • What does it mean to annotate a piece of writing?
    • Highlight key words
    • Label specific words or phrases with connotations  ✓
    • Write down definitions for key words
  • Which words juxtapose each other?
    • indulge, starve  ✓
    • glisten, glimmer
    • eat, digest