Starter quiz

  • What is the process of reading our work once finished, to check for mistakes, known as?
    • proofreading  ✓
    • checking
    • editing
    • redrafting
  • Match these punctuation marks to their definition.
    • colon
      goes before a list or explanation. ✓
    • semicolon
      indicates a pause between two independent, related clauses. ✓
    • dashes
      interrupt a sentence to give extra information.  ✓
  • Which punctuation mark is usually used after expressing emotion?
    • question mark
    • comma
    • full stop
    • exclamation mark  ✓
  • What piece of punctuation is missing from this sentence: 'The building now engulfed in flames stood out like a beacon on the horizon.'?
    • exclamation mark
    • question mark
    • dashes  ✓
    • full stop
  • Which of the below is the best definition of the word 'desolate'? Here it is used in a sentence: 'The once thriving town was now desolate'.
    • An impression of bleak emptiness.  ✓
    • An impression of optimism and joy.
    • An impression of fear.
    • An impression of poverty.
  • If you have a feeling of foreboding then you are convinced that...
    • something bad is going to happen.  ✓
    • something good is going to happen.
    • something strange is going to happen.
    • something boring is going to happen.