Starter quiz

  • Which is the best definition of the word 'sinister'?
    • creating anger
    • suggesting danger  ✓
    • experiencing sorrow
    • showing power
  • If you are full of melancholy, you are full of...
    • fear
    • cruelty
    • sadness  ✓
    • hope
  • Which of the following statements best summarises what happens in 'The Raven'?
    • A lonely man is comforted by a visit from a raven.
    • A lonely man is surprised by a visit from a raven.
    • A lonely man is annoyed by a visit from a raven.
    • A lonely man is tormented by a visit from a raven.  ✓
  • In 'The Raven', which adjective best describes the man's mood?
    • heartbroken  ✓
    • disappointed
    • annoyed
    • angered
  • Choose the word to fill in the blank: The Gothic genre was a form of literature that emerged in the middle of the ______ century.
    • '18th' ✓
  • Which feeling does the Gothic genre aim to create in readers?
    • fear of the unknown  ✓
    • anger at injustice
    • distress about world events