Starter quiz

  • In Shakespeare's 'Othello', what does Brabantio find out in Act 1 Scene 1 about his daughter?
    • she has eloped with Othello  ✓
    • she has run away because she is in danger
    • she has died
  • At the start of 'Othello', why did Iago tell Brabantio about Desdemona and Othello's elopement?
    • he wants to celebrate their marriage
    • he wants to get revenge on Othello and thinks Brabantio will reject Othello  ✓
    • he wants to get revenge on Othello for his violence
  • What does Iago do to mock Othello when speaking to Brabantio at the start of 'Othello'?
    • compares him to a jilted lover
    • compares him to an animal  ✓
    • compares him to a criminal
  • What is not a valid interpretation of Iago in the opening scene of Shakespeare's 'Othello'?
    • he is presented as a tragic hero  ✓
    • he is presented as a villain
    • he is presented as a malcontent
  • "O unhappy girl! With the Moor, say'st thou? Who would be a father!" What does this quote show about Brabantio's feelings towards his daughter's elopement in Act 1 Scene 1 of 'Othello'?
    • Brabantio is satisfied with the match.
    • Brabantio is happy if Desdedoma is happy.
    • Brabantio thinks Desdemona cannot be happy with Othello.  ✓
  • What does Brabantio's reaction to the elopement of Othello and Desdemona in 'Othello' reveal about him?
    • he has racial prejudice against Othello  ✓
    • he wants Iago to marry Desdemona
    • he is open-minded
    • he never wants Desdemona to marry