Starter quiz

  • What paragraph does the thesis statement go in?
    • introduction  ✓
    • main body
    • conclusion
  • A thesis statement should...
    • include quotes.
    • include analysis.
    • include the writer's purpose.  ✓
  • In Shakespeare's 'Othello', how does the character of Iago link to the theme of appearance vs reality?
    • He is malcontent, evoking vengeance on others
    • He is deceitful, manipulating other characters' perception  ✓
    • He is satanic, purposely destroying other characters' happiness
  • What does Iago do in Act 3 Scene 3 of 'Othello' to act as director?
    • stages a fabricated conversation with Cassio, whilst Othello is forced to listen  ✓
    • kills Roderigo and blames it on Cassio
    • stages a kiss between Cassio and Desdemona, whilst Othello is forced to watch
  • What might Shakespeare's purpose be in exploring the theme of appearance vs reality in 'Othello'?
    • to expose that you cannot trust your partner in a marriage
    • to warn that outward appearances can be deceiving  ✓
    • to reveal that being deceitful can make you popular
  • Through his play 'Othello', how does Shakespeare warn the audience of being too trusting?
    • Othello dies after being manipulated by Iago
    • Venice is under attack due to trusting Iago's instincts
    • all characters that trust Iago (Roderigo, Othello, Emilia) suffer a tragic end  ✓