Starter quiz

  • In Shakespeare's 'Othello', which character dehumanises Othello at the beginning of the play?
    • Desdemona
    • Cassio
    • Iago  ✓
  • In 'Othello', what epithet do characters use to describe Othello that marks him out as an outsider?
    • The General
    • The Moor  ✓
    • The Foreigner
  • In 'Othello', what does Brabantio say that shows his stereotyping of Othello?
    • ''she is abused, stolen....corrupted''  ✓
    • ''My daughter! O, my daughter!''
    • ''My particular grief Is of so floodgate and o’erbearing nature''
  • Which belief was held in Jacobean England about race?
    • everyone was equal regardless of race
    • darker skin was associated with moral impurity  ✓
    • lighter skin was associated with moral impurity
  • What happens to Othello in Act 3 Scene 3 of 'Othello' that suggests the play is at its peripeteia?
    • He hits Desdemona
    • He makes a plan to murder Iago
    • He sails back to Venice
    • He says that his race may be the reason that Desdemona has been 'unfaithful'  ✓
    • Consumed with jealousy, he enters a trance
  • How does Shakespeare subvert racial stereotypes in Jacobean England through 'Othello'?
    • By introducing Othello as a noble Moor  ✓
    • By characterising Iago as the evil villain  ✓
    • By showing Othello to be animalistic