Starter quiz

  • What is a tragic hero?
    • a character of high status with a hamartia that experiences a downfall  ✓
    • a sympathetic central character of common status
    • a main character that is nice
  • In Shakespeare's 'Othello', what could Othello's hamartia be?
    • ambition
    • arrogance
    • jealousy  ✓
  • In 'Othello', what may Othello's moment of anagnorisis be?
    • When he learns Cassio had Desdemona's handkerchief
    • When he learns he was manipulated by Iago  ✓
    • When he learns that Brabantio rejected him
  • What is Othello's peripeteia in Shakespeare's 'Othello'?
    • When he marries Desdemona
    • When he travels to Cyprus
    • When he falls for Iago's schemes  ✓
  • What is meant by the word 'catharsis'?
    • a build up of tension
    • a release of tension  ✓
    • feeling sorry for the protagonist
  • When are the audience likely to experience catharsis in the play 'Othello'?
    • When Othello kills Desdemona because he rids himself of insecurity
    • When Othello finds that Cassio has Desdemona's handkerchief because it is tense
    • When Othello kills himself because he rids himself of guilt  ✓