Starter quiz

  • What does diabolical mean?
    • suggestive of the devil  ✓
    • rebellious
    • unintelligent
  • Why is Iago malcontent at the beginning of 'Othello'?
    • His wife has run away.
    • He was passed over for a promotion by Othello.  ✓
    • His brother died.
  • What does Iago say that hints at his diabolical nature in 'Othello'?
    • ''I hate The Moor''
    • ''Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the world's light''  ✓
    • ''I know my price, I am worth no worse a place''
  • What is not true of Iago as a character in 'Othello'?
    • He is kind and honest.  ✓
    • Iago is presented as a bigot.
    • Iago may be jealous of other characters.
  • How can Iago be seen as Machiavellian in 'Othello'?
    • He seeks revenge on Othello.
    • He plots and schemes using asides or soliloquies.  ✓
    • He manipulates and exploits others.  ✓
  • Why do you think it is so important that the audience get glimpses into Iago's mind in 'Othello'?
    • So we can feel sympathy for him.
    • So we can see his role in Othello's tragic fall.  ✓
    • So we can be privy to his rise in success.