Starter quiz

  • In 'Small Island', what is the name of the teacher we are introduced to in Act 1 Scene 1?
    • 'Mrs. Ryder' ✓
  • What does the Pathé-style news footage in the opening of 'Small Island' depict?
    • A peaceful Jamaican village.
    • Characters preparing for a hurricane in Jamaica.  ✓
    • Scenes from WWII.
    • Mrs. Ryder in a school classroom.
  • In 'Small Island', why is the date "Summer. 1939" significant in the context of the play?
    • It marks the beginning of WWII.  ✓
    • It is the year the play was written.
    • It is the year the character Hortense is born.
    • It signifies a strong hurricane in Jamaica.
  • In 'Small Island', what effect does the direct address have when Hortense looks at the audience and speaks conspiratorially?
    • It establishes her as a villain.
    • It distances the audience from the character.
    • It reveals her as the heroine.
    • It creates a rapport with the audience.  ✓
  • In 'Small Island', according to Miss Jewel, what kind of life does she describe for Hortense's future?
    • A challenging life with many hardships.
    • A carefree and adventurous life.
    • A golden life connoting wealth and success.  ✓
    • A dull and mundane life.
  • In 'Small Island', why does Hortense describe Mrs. Ryder as not being the heroine of the situation?
    • Edmundson wants to reveal that Mrs. Ryder is the true villain of the play.
    • Edmundson uses the characater to challenge dominant historical narratives.  ✓
    • Edmundson wants to ensure that Mrs. Ryder is not a significant character.
    • Edmundson wants to show that Hortense dislikes Mrs, Ryder.