Starter quiz

  • In 'Small Island', what do the characters Michael and Bernard both sign up for after dramatic events?
    • 'RAF' ✓
  • Where is Scene 2 set in 'Small Island'?
    • Jamaica in a hurricane
    • In London during WWII  ✓
    • On the HMT Windrush
    • At Mr Philip's house
  • In 'Small Island', how does Edmundson use the house in Scene 2 to reflect Bernard's characterisation?
    • The house is modern and lively
    • The house is luxurious and colourful
    • The house is old-fashioned and dowdy  ✓
    • The house is small and cramped
  • In 'Small Island', who is the first character to use direct address?
    • Queenie
    • Michael
    • Hortense  ✓
    • Bernard
    • Mrs Ryder
  • Starting with the first, put these events from Act 1 Scene 2 of 'Small Island' into chronological order.
    • 1
      Bernard and Queenie are arguing over furniture which Queenie wants to donate.
    • 2
      Queenie addresses the audience and tells them about her upbringing.
    • 3
      Queenie agrees to marry Bernard after her Aunt Dot dies.
    • 4
      The air raid siren begins to wail and the house is bombed.
    • 5
      Bernard tells Queenie he loves her and then joins up for the RAF.
    • 6
      Michael enters Queenie's house.
  • In 'Small Island' what dramatic device does Edmundson use to enable characters to share their histories?
    • Direct address
    • Motif
    • Flashback  ✓
    • Metaphor
    • Monologue