Starter quiz

  • Where are the locations that 'Small Island' is set?
    • Jamaica  ✓
    • Nigeria
    • Britain  ✓
    • Northern Ireland
  • When was 'Small Island' first performed?
    • 2019  ✓
    • 1999
    • 1989
    • 1979
  • When exploring literary texts we need to consider themes. What is a theme?
    • the narrative arc
    • a character presented in different ways
    • exploration of stage directions
    • an idea that is explored in a text in a number of different ways  ✓
  • What are the historical events that are most prominent in 'Small Island'?
    • WW1
    • HMT Windrush docked at Tilbury  ✓
    • The Titanic set sail
    • WWII  ✓
  • 'Small Island' is an adaptation of the novel with the same name. What does the word 'adaptation' mean?
    • a transformation of a literary work into a different medium  ✓
    • the process of modifying a story line to fit a specific historical context
    • the evolution of characters in a novel to better suit a diverse audience
    • the act of condensing a lengthy literary work into a shorter version
  • 'Small Island' is told through different stories and multiple voices. What word describes this literary technique?
    • Monologue
    • Soliloquy
    • Polyphony  ✓
    • Dialogic